Saturday 11 May 2013

Anhe Ghode Da Daan

Based on Gurdial Singh's novel,plus three national awards,you expect nothing less from the movie,but what appear on screen is something,killing all your expectations.Our audience is not intelligent enough to understand things,which are not shown on screen,you can't take audience for granted and expect that they will guess things and proceedings on their own.

Film is about rich landlords selling their lands,and it left daily bases poor farm labour in lurch.But no single point was mentioned that what is going on,everything is left for audience to imagine.The very first scene,whole village is in dilemma over land issues,but it made to look like as someone passed away.In the very next scene police took the old man in their jeep,I wonder why,his house is demolished,if its to spread fear among others,well I could guess,I wonder how many will be able to.
Oh than we have daughter in law coming from nowhere to meet his in laws in village,for next fifteen minutes I felt that the guy she is with,might be her husband,its only revealed when he address her as sister.What she came for in all this atmosphere of tension,and leaving soon after for city meeting a random guest and disappeared without providing much to the story.

Next we got to know about riskshaw puller who is son of main Dalit Protagonist,He wander here and there in streets at his rikshaw(since there is strike of rikshawwalas).Long scenes in which characters took too long to take next step,look like as Gurwinder(dir) wanted to teach that how to tie turban,Less words,more Camera Work,it's something not attempted in punjabi films,but one can't praise just because its national award winner film or based on famous novel,coz treatment was not something it should be.Film ends with father being out of work heads for city,while his son is back to village.No Idea where is daughter in law,and no idea where daughter of the family is heading too in late night...

Anhe Ghore Da Daan could have got more attention if it was not left for imagination.Even some of Shyam Banegal's earlier films were left for audience to understand with also some long pause scenes etc,but that was some thirty fourth years back,audience is ready for experimental cinema,but not something made totally on the concept of art,failing to deliver entertainment(even its fine),but no message either.

Since family is shown as Dalit Sikh,how one of lead could be shown as lighting beedi,of course many might be smoking,but why taking such liberty to show it on screen.All actors performed well,camera work is great,and also the backround sound is perfect,it's cinematic experience,but sadly when it come to full fledged script,it failed to deliver.Earlier in past many punjabi Seriels were made on punjabi novels,and were remarkable,but as a film on this subject it just failed.Disappointing it as,but still some scenes with dialogues work very well,that too specially scenes featuring female actors,be it actress(Singh vs kaur fame tayi)'s outburst,or lead character's wife or daughter's dialogues.

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